Here is Ty loading the pitching machine during one of Tate's games last week. Tate played today and did great! 4-4 at bat!! Hit first pitch on all 4 at bats! 2 of his hits were very solid hits into the outfield! Great job Tate!
Finally spring is here so WELCOME SPRING TIME!
Haylea and her friend Courtney ran the 2 mile-unfortunately they started when the 5 milers started, then ran back over the timing pad and started over! Not quite sure how that all ended up with their time, but we will wait and see what the official results say!! Too funny! They got a little confused...oh well-but they ran very well-we are guessing somewhere around 17 minutes or so in finishing-SUPER!!
The Montana Women's Run is held every Saturday before Mother's Day-nearly 7000 women young and beautifully aged women participated this year! Haylea ran the 2 mile, I ran the 5 mile and Meemz walked the 2 mile. It is always fun to do, I always see people I ONLY see at the Women's Run. This morning could not have been any better with the weather! Beautiful sunshine to compliment all the beautiful women who came out to participate this year. Lots of sons, husbands and dads cheering us all on!
I am finishing the five mile here--thank God I was finished. I had been sick all week and made the decision to run this morning. The great weather had a lot to do with my decision--I am so glad I ran! Not a PR-but a great run!
Meemz finishes strong in the 2 mile walk! Can't you tell she is EXHAUSTED!! Great job Mee Mee!
Haylea had a band concert this week...she does a very good job playing the trumpet! It was a typical 5th grade band concert...they have a lot of kids in band so they actually played and sounded very well!
Let's hear it for the W-O-M-E-N!!! Strong and fast....we are the finisher's and WE love it!!! So proud of ALL of you....Heather, Mee Mee, and Haylea...great job! Happy Mother's